Role of AI in 21st Century

  • What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence is a simulation of human intelligence by machine or computer systems, that are programmed and trained using machine learning and deep learning. Machine learning is itself a branch of Artificial intelligence referred to as a method to train machines automatically by data analysis of analytical model building that can feed and learn from data without human assistance. Deep learning technology is a technique to analyze data using a large amount of unstructured data that includes images, texts, and videos. Undoubtedly the use of Artificial Intelligence is going to be the next big thing in the modern world. From the very first stage of the rise of technology, mankind has always dreamt for a technology-driven world. Where he can get autonomous transportation, can fly as fast as birds do and breathe in a healthy atmosphere. Cons and Pros of Artificial Intelligence Like any other technology Artificial Intelligence also comes with its cons and pros. Reduces Human error The main advantage of Artificial Intelligence provides us is to reduces human error in different processes caused by human negligence or limitation. Automate Process Artificial Intelligence works on well-defined algorithms to work on specific tasks, machines that work on Artificial Intelligence don’t need human interventions and complete tasks automatically as per instructions thus saving time. Improved Efficiency Artificial Intelligence constantly needs new data and business models that improve its efficiency day by day. Consistent Results Artificial Intelligence gives consistent results by performing repetitive jobs. Digital Assistance One specific advantage of Artificial Intelligence is digital assistance; it can be used in mobile applications, websites and software. One such example is Chatbots. We can design chatbots using AI in such a way that it can be impossible sometimes to determine a difference between human support or chatbot.